The Top 5 Ultimate Brow Mapping Questions and the Mind Blowing Answers

Welcome to the first installment of Questions with Tiffany where we take the most commonly asked questions that we get and Tiffany answers them!

Questions with Tiffany

We get asked questions about PMU procedures constantly through our classes, both in person and online, as well as on social media. Some of our most popular classes are our Brow Mapping courses, so we thought it would be a great idea to put the questions we get asked the most into our blog where you can come back and look at our answers whenever you want!

We spoke with one of our Master PMU instructors Tiffany for the answers to the top 5 most asked Brow Mapping questions. Take a look!


Brow Mapping Questions with Tiffany

Your Brow Mapping Questions Answered! 

1. What should I do if previous work would cause me to create a second tail to properly balance the brows?

It depends on how dark or how faded the second tail is. If the brows have faded more warm than cool and the colour is fairly light, I think it is less noticeable if you create a new tail, BUT I still won’t create a tail that is dramatically different from the current one. Also, the client can try and get a few laser tattoo removal sessions on the tail first, before proceeding with the brow procedure.


Brow Mapping Questions with Tiffany

2. What if I don’t personally like the requested shape, but the client has been wearing their brows like that for 20 years?

I definitely have a few clients that fall into this category.

At the end of the day, it is their face and their brows and their idea of what is beautiful to them. So you can’t change their perception too much. What I like to do is to guide them on some basic face proportion principles like arch height, tail end, ideal thickness, etc. Based on their face shape and features. If they agree, great, if not, we can work to find a shape that works best for them. Sometimes, they might not take your advice at the initial appointment, but you will be pleasantly surprised that they might follow your suggestions at the touch-up, so personally, I am not too bothered by this.

If the shape is not something you agree with, and they still want that shape, then just don’t post your client’s brows on your portfolio.

Also, the last option is that at the end of the day, you have the right to choose your client as much as the client has the right to choose you. If a client wanted me to tattoo green brows on them, in that case, I would have to decline politely. First off, I don’t have green brow pigment, and secondly, it is still a semi-permanent procedure. Maybe they are having an off day, and so I don’t feel comfortable tattoo green brows on anyone.


Brow Mapping Questions with Tiffany

3. Are there any differences between brow mapping for ombré vs microblading vs nano vs micro shading?

The only main difference is filling in the finished shape or not filling it in and just keeping the outline. Sometimes filling it in, for ombré or shading purposes, it helps give the client a better idea of what it will look like if it’s filled in. You can use various makeup products as well to contour or highlight the shape. Personally, I have completed Ombre, with it filled in and without. I think it is personal preference and if your client wants that extra visualization of the ombré look. For microblading, sometimes it is helpful for the client to visualize the strokes, so you can also pre-draw the strokes in as well if you’d like. Sometimes, if I have a client who is a bit more nervous about the procedure, I will draw in a few strokes so they can see how it looks for themselves.


Brow Mapping Questions with Tiffany

4. What are your preferred tools for brow mapping?

  1. String to draw straight lines
  2. Caliper for measuring 
  3. Wax pencil that is not too dry or waxy. We recommend this one here.
  4. Ruler, ruler ruler, the ruler doesn’t lie. We like this one


Brow Mapping Questions with Tiffany

5. How much input should the client have on the brow mapping process? Do I consider this my art or do they call the shots since it is their face?

I think a client’s input is SUPER important in the brow mapping process. At the end of the day, it is their face, and they have to go through life with the new brows that you have created, so it is better to involve them in the process.

  • Inspiration pics
  • Verbally tell me what you like or don’t like
  • Include them in the step by step process
  • When they feel involved, they are most likely not going to complain about the outcome
  • Ask them at the end of brow mapping if they 100% love it. 
  • Look for visual cues if they like the shape


Brow Mapping Questions with Tiffany

Did we answer your brow mapping questions?

If you have other questions you would like to ask Tiffany or the rest of the Beauté Academy team, just drop a comment below! 

Did you know that Mini, Tiffany, and our entire BA team have had extensive training in the PMU industry and continue their education, learning the most innovative techniques around the world to share with you? You can be confident that you are getting the most cutting-edge information when you get training or advice from our instructors at Beauté Academy.

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